Meet our patron: Don Pelayo, the first Asturian king

In 722, near the shrine of Covadonga, Don Pelayo, the founder and inaugural king of Asturia, led the first significant victory against the Moors. Consequently, Asturia became the cradle of the incipient Reconquista to drive out the Moors and position Spain as the largest empire ever. Asturia was the name the Romans gave to the Celtic region in the North of Spain. Today, the region is known as the Principality of Asturias.

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Connecting Human Systems™

Asturia Holding is the holding company of CROSS-SILO, a company dedicated to connecting human systems through whole-system positive change. It perceives an organization from an integral perspective, using the RoundMap™ 360-degree framework and methodology. 

CROSS-SILO has served several Fortune 250 companies like Omnicom Group and Canon USA but focuses on the more nimble mid-market, which accounts for one-third of the $30 trillion U.S. private sector gross receipts and 30 million jobs and is essential to America’s economic success.